You might have heard some people that not to give your secrete information (password or credit card) or any other sensitive information on public computers like cafe PC or on MSN,YAHOO massanger etc.The reason why you might have heard that the Attacker have some ways to you would have probably heard that Attacker have a way to sealed your your credit card numbers , passwords etc.
A hacker can use different types of attacks such as Packet sniffing or ARP Poisoning to steal your sensitive information Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is the most popular used technology for inventing a secure communication between the web client and the web server. You must be familiar with http:// protocol and https:// protocol, You might be wondering what they mean.
HTTP protocol is used for standard communication between the Web server and the client.
HTTPS is used for a secure communication.
A hacker can use different types of attacks such as Packet sniffing or ARP Poisoning to steal your sensitive information Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is the most popular used technology for inventing a secure communication between the web client and the web server. You must be familiar with http:// protocol and https:// protocol, You might be wondering what they mean.
HTTP protocol is used for standard communication between the Web server and the client.
HTTPS is used for a secure communication.